- Culinary
- Culinary / Kitchen Equipment & Design
- Culinary / Smallwares
- Smallwares / Smallwares Supplies

National Distribution with Local Service, a reliable resource for foodservice equipment and supplies, contract/equipment design and project management. We are committed to providing efficient, cost-effective solutions for our customers’ distribution needs.
Resources you can depend on:
- On average, 8,000 SKUs in stock
- 2 Million square feet in warehouse space
- Proprietary stocking available
- Local delivery fleet
- Layout and design services available
- Project management offered
- Consolidation of equipment/smallwares
- Showrooms – for product selection
- Test kitchens – for equipment demos
Support you can depend on:
- Field sales representatives
- Equipment and smallwares expertise
- Product sourcing and sampling
- Inside sales support
- In-house customer service
- Specific contacts at each center
- On-line ordering available

Contact CPS:

To learn more, please reach out to your CPS team.