- Consulting Services / Actuaries
- Administrative Services
- Administrative Services / Consulting Services

Continuing Care Actuaries (formally CCRC Actuaries) are credentialed by the Society of Actuaries, the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, and the American Academy of Actuaries.
Our actuaries have performed analyses for over 450 CCRCs and possess databases of CCRC residents with over 600,000 life years of experience. In addition to our work with CCRCs, we have been active in supporting the development of the Continuing Care at Home program, assisting in the development of 2 of the first 4 programs, and currently, work with approximately 80% of the operational programs.
Services to CCRC and @Home clients:
- Comprehensive Actuarial Studies
- Future Service Obligation
- Medical Tax Deduction
- Historical Demographic Analysis
- 20-Year Population Projection & Financial Model
- Entrance Fees Received and Refunded
- Contract Pricing Analysis for existing and new contract types
- Projections for community expansions
- LifeCalc Entrance Fee Amortization Software – assists clients in amortizing non-refundable entrance fees, in addition to assisting with resident data collection, population projections, and financial analysis. LifeCalc is currently being used by more than fifty-five CCRCs across the country.
- Examiner Software – an easy-to-use, but highly sophisticated actuarial model designed to help management anticipate future fee subsidies by accurately estimating the risk associated with each applicant to the community. The model can be tailored specifically to the community’s fee structure, contracts, refund agreements, services, and costs. Examiner is currently used by more than ninety CCRCs across the country.
Services to Self-Insured Health Insurance Entities:
Our clients include governmental entities, employee and retiree organizations, and private employers. Our work has included developing effective strategies to respond to changing utilization of components of the health care benefit structure and has included analysis and development of reimbursement systems, as well as projections of the impact of changes in these systems under consideration by our clients.
Our client services includes:
- Audit support
- Financial analysis
- Claim reserves
- Retiree group benefit valuations
- Statistical claim calculations

To learn more, please reach out to your CPS team.